What I’ve done

  1. created database.json
  2. put /database.json in .gitignore to protect database information
  3. updated server.js to fetch data from mySQL
const fs = require('fs'); // library that can aceess the file
const mysql = require('mysql'); // call mysql library

// ..

const data = fs.readFileSync('./database.json'); //read file
const conf = JSON.parse(data); //data parsing

const connection = mysql.createConnection({
  host: conf.host,
  user: conf.user,
  password: conf.password,
  port: conf.port,
  database: conf.database


app.get('/api/customers', (req, res) => {
     "SELECT * FROM customer",
     (err, rows, fields) => {

// ...

Error 1

  • Not able to fetch data form mySQL database
  • Empty table
  • How did I fix? call data filled customer table
    • the problem was the mySQL table name is a case sensitive
    • had an empty CUSTOMER table and a data filled customer table
    • called the empty CUSTOMER table first

Error 2

  • Images error
  • typo
    • https://placeimag.com/64/64/1 to https://placeimg.com/64/64/1